
Metacarpophalangeal joint stiffness is reduced in patients affected by rheumatoid arthritis after glucocorticoid medication


W.R. Taylor, A. Fröhlich, F. Buttgereit, R.M. Ehrig, T. Witaschek, G.N. Duda

Proceedings of the ESM-2012, Aalborg, ,Uwe G. Kersting, Michael M. Morlock, Daniela Jirova-Enzmann, Kim Dremstrup (Eds.), p. 39, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, 2012

Evaluation of process parameter of an automated dip-coating


Catrin Strobel, Anke Kadow-Romacker, Tom Witascheck, Gerhard Schmidmaier, Britt Wildemann

Materials Letters, 65 (2011) Pages 3621–3624

Feasibility of using sodium chloride as a tracer for the characterization of the distribution of matter in complex

multi-compartment 3D bioreactors for stem cell culture


Jörg C. Gerlach, Tom Witaschek, Catrin Strobel, Candace A. Brayfield, Reinhard Bornemann, Gerardo Catapano, Katrin Zeilinger

Int J Artif Organs. Volume 33,  Julie 2010, Pages 399 - 404

Culture of subconfluent human fibroblasts and keratinocytes using biodegradable transfer membranes


C. Johnen, I. Steffen, D. Beichelt, K. Bräutigam, T. Witascheck, N. Toman, V. Moser, C. Ottomann, B. Hartmann, J.C. Gerlach

Burns. Volume 34, Issue 5, August 2008, Pages 655-663

Skin cell isolation and expansion for cell transplantation is limited in patients using tobacco, alcohol, or are exhibiting diabetes mellitus.


C. Johnen, B. Hartmann, I. Steffen, K. Bräutigam, T. Witascheck, N. Toman, M. Küntscher, J. Gerlach

Burns. Volume 32, Issue 2, March 2006, Pages 194-200

Kinetic analysis of the electrolyte distribution in a perfused 3D-bioreactor for high-density liver cell culture.


K. Zeilinger, S. Roth, T. Witaschek, M. Pfaff, S.Toepfer, R. Guthke, P. Neuhaus, JC Gerlach

Biomed Eng 2005, 50 Suppl. 1, 951-952

Systems analysis of the dynamic input/output behaviour of a multi-compartment capillary membrane bioreactor for high-density liver cell culture.


M. Pfaff, S. Toepfer, K. Zeilinger, S. Roth, D. Driesch, D. Woetzel , W. Schmidt-Heck, R. Guthke, T. Witaschek, JC. Gerlach

Biomed Eng 2005, 50 Suppl. 1, 1617-1618


Vorrichtung zur multilayerartigen Zusammenführung unterschiedlicher Zellentypen in bestimmten Formen und Mustern zu Geweben oder Organen.